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Taste Test
Shelby likes her current food when it's mixed with wet, but doesn't have the time of day for it when it's dry. And we'd like to get her completely on dry, now that her adult teeth are mostly in. I got some samples of dog food from a local pet shop. We tested Wellness, Innova, Canidae, and Karma.
We gave Shelby her standard kibble with wet for dinner. She normally scarfs down dinner, so that's not a good test of food tastiness. Breakfast however, she has left sitting until 2pm before touching it. So we conducted our test in the morning.
Day 1: Wellness by Old Mother Hubbard.
I put about 2/3 Wellness, and 1/3 current kibble in the bowl. This stuff smells. Shelby should love it. At first Shelby wasn't interested. I set out one Wellness kibble for her. She played with it and smelled it for a bit. After eating it, she ate breakfast, working around the current kibble, and fishing out the Wellness. She finished the entire bowl in about 5 mins. Not bad at all. She did have a bit of trouble with the size of the kibble.
Day 2: Canidae
With the same setup as the previous day, Shelby showed less interest in this food than in the Wellness brand food. She left some in the bowl, and finished it later in the day.
Day 2 Continued: Rotisserie Chicken
Uh oh. Shelby managed to steal a taste of Steven's rotisserie chicken dinner while we were not looking. A lot of yelling ensued. The question is...now that she's tasted rotisserie chicken, is this pup still going to eat kibble?
Day 3: Innova and Karma
I set out 2/3 Innova and 1/3 standard kibble. Shelby showed no interest at all. She ate one and would have nothing to do with the bowl. So I switched Innova for Karma, which is organic. I was secretly hoping she wouldn't like it because it was expensive, but she did. She finished the Karma in about 10 minutes, however she was incredibly messy in doing so. I'm not sure why. The kibble size and shape is similar to other brands.
Conclusion: Looks like I get to decide if I want tp buy a slightly cheaper but stinkier food (Wellness) or a non-stinky organic food (Karma).
Your results may vary, especially since our test subject stole 2 bites of a rotisserie chicken midway through the test. Naughty puppy.
July 12, 2004 | Permalink
Is Shelby eating the dry Wellness food? My dog, Otis, has really slowed down on his Iams and I have even added a little chicken broth to entice him. He didn't like the Iams Savory flavored sauce at all.
Posted by: Faye | Apr 4, 2005 1:57:46 PM
Yes, she's eating a combo of Wellness and Newman's Own. I like to buy the Newman's because they donate for charity. Frankly, Shelby would be fine on Wellness alone. I mix in a little olive oil for her coat, and a little hot water. It forms a bit of "gravy" and she's been eating regularly as a result.
Shelby didn't care much for Iams, and she grew bored with the gravies I was putting on her food. Luckily the hot water has worked out really well.
Posted by: Winnie | Apr 4, 2005 7:58:55 PM
We live in a small town and I was unable to find either Newmans Organic or Wellness food. I did bring home samples of Ultra and Nutro Lite and Nutro Lamb and Rice. I tried a little warm water and olive oil. Otis would not eat it. After several attempts, I went back to his Iams with a teaspoon of cottage cheese mixed in really well to coat most of the kibble and that worked. He ate it all. I hope cottage cheese is okay for pugs.
Posted by: Faye | Apr 7, 2005 3:32:55 PM
I really like food with sauce. It tastes better but there are food that I don't like when they are wet. I think that It takes the taste away.
Posted by: Online Pharmacy no prescription | Oct 13, 2011 8:35:30 AM
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