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Roomba lives

Roomba lives

Roomba busted about 6 months ago due to my neglect. Ultimately, it was my hair, and not Shelby's that caused Roomba to meet an untimely death. So we finally bought a new one. Roomba scheduler. Here's Shelby, meeting new Roomba for the first time.

January 26, 2007 | Permalink


Very cool. I have been thinking about getting a Roomba for awhile now. Do they do a good job getting the pug hair up?

Posted by: Corrine | Jan 26, 2007 8:47:36 AM

Same question as Corrine... are they worth it?

Posted by: amanda | Jan 26, 2007 8:59:46 AM

what happened to your dyson?

i will likely blow part of a paycheck on one very soon, as we are in the first apt ever without hardwood floors! we don't even own a vaccuum since we're used to just sweeping and swiffering, and now with wall to wall carpet and 2 pugs and 3 cats [2 long haired] i think we'll need it!

Posted by: stephanie | Jan 26, 2007 9:28:14 AM

Dyson also lives, and is performing well, but is big and bulky, and I am small and lazy. So it's nice to have Roomba back.

As for Roomba picking up hair, yes, it does a good job of picking up Shelby's hair. In fact, this new version of Roomba has a much larger capacity that Roomba 1. This new one can be scheduled, and we haven't tried that yet. It does find it's base and charges itself which is really cool. I'll use it a bit more and let you know if this one is a significant improvement on the last.

Posted by: Winnie | Jan 26, 2007 10:09:39 AM

I'm dreaming of a Roomba. I even watch videos online of it working. I am a Roomba nerd :D

Posted by: Regan | Jan 27, 2007 3:14:08 PM

oh shelby is so cute why did you name her that ?

Posted by: sarah | Jan 28, 2007 4:51:14 AM

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