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Time flies...
...when you're chasing a kid and a pug around while carrying a baby. Shelby continues to adapt to another kid like a champ. Though I cannot imagine why since she gets considerably less lap time as a result. Every time I see her around kids I am reminded of what a good dog she is.
And every time I trim her nails I am reminded of what an awfully squirmy dog she is. With two kids now and a full time job I've fully embraced services. We now have a cleaning service and I have the groomers bathe Shelby. It makes these busy times just a bit more manageable.
April 26, 2013 | Permalink
Thanks so much for the update. We actually worry when there is no news for a very long time, isn't that silly. Baby is beautiful. And I can totally relate to trimming nails, I have 4 pugs and none of them are real happy when it comes time to do nails! Keep in touch!!
Posted by: JANET | Apr 26, 2013 11:08:50 AM
Great to see you guys back. Michael and Shelby are looking good. Shelby might have less lap time, but I'll bet she gets double the treats with both boys likely dropping food by accident and on purpose.
Posted by: Bo | Apr 26, 2013 3:30:20 PM
AHHH !!! What a lovely family...SO glad to hear from you and know that all is well. Thanks for taking the time to share with us. :)
Posted by: Ann Crago | Apr 27, 2013 8:35:57 PM
Cuties, both.
Posted by: Mary | Apr 28, 2013 9:19:45 AM
Love this colored photo of your youngest son, Michael, and Shelby! You are wise to seek cleaning and dog grooming help--why not? You are a working professional and need time for yourself, too. Happy Mother's Day! Keep blogging, thank you!
Posted by: Jade | May 2, 2013 2:08:18 AM
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