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Full speed pug
It's a bittersweet morning. We are selling the scooter Steven bought me for my birthday. I think that was 7 years ago. I love it but seeing as how it's unwise to stuff a baby in the basket, we decided to sell it to a friend who I know will take good care of it.
Steven took it out for one last ride this morning when the street was quiet and Shelby ran after him full speed right into the street leaving us screaming NO NO NO COME BACK! Steven came right back and we put her in the house.
May 11, 2013 | Permalink
Oh no, Shelby! Bad girl!
Bet it was fun for her though giving in to that wild hair.
Sorry about the scooter....that's sad. Maybe when Michael is bigger you can hint for a new one. Don't be too eager to clip your wings. Old and creaky comes along way too soon.
Posted by: Bo | May 12, 2013 4:11:44 AM
Yeah, my Milo also likes to run full speed at moving objects. For some reason, he thinks of bicycles as fast-moving monsters.
Posted by: Fallon | May 13, 2013 8:02:56 AM
LOL @ Shelby! Such a cutie! Sad to see such fun toys go but such is life! Hope you guys have a wonderful Memorial Day and look forward to pics of Shelby and family!
Posted by: Bella | May 24, 2013 6:22:32 AM
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