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Mush! Mush I say!

Went out for a stroll and Shelby felt energetic enough to pull the stroller!

Mush! Mush I say!

January 27, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (7)

The Hazards of Christmas toys

We gave Vin these cool magnet building toys for Christmas and he and I both love building things with them. As for Mikey, he simply enjoys the bright colors and so these thing end up all over the house from the boys being boys.

The only drawback is for Shelby who will sometimes find her collar just a tad bit heavier.

The Hazards of Christmas toys

The Hazards of Christmas toys

January 17, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (6)

Shelby update

Thanks so much for all your concern and well wishes for Shelby. Pug fans are just the nicest fans in the world :)

Shelby has been looking better with no additional medical attention needed. She's not slipping, and she feels well enough to want what you're having.

These are a couple if pics of her hanging out. One where she's putting up with Michael thinking her chew toys are his. And another where she was confused if the ridiculously hard bread I baked was actually food. (The birds decided it wasn't.)

On a side note, baking bread is not really my thing. :)

Shelby update

Shelby update

January 7, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (9)